
Sunday, April 27, 2014

SWEET + SAVORY - Brunch at Bino's Bistro & Creperie

Weekends are for brunch, and yesterday, I had a good one! Me and my friend Anna met up to have some crepes at Bino Bistro & Creperie in San Diego's Hillcrest neighborhood. I love brunch. It combines 2 meals in 1 and makes me have to worry about 1 less meal :) (And it perfectly accommodates sleeping in a little longer)

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Last Saturday we finally took a trip to Joshua Tree National Park in Riverside County. We drove there from my In-Laws home in the Imperial Valley and it took us about 2 hrs. We started in the Westgate entrance and drove through the whole park, following the main road. Along the way, there was lots to see.
Usually there is a $15 per car to enter the park. Lucky us, we went there during National park week and got to enter for free. But $15 are definitely worth it!
There are a bunch of hiking trails, but even if you aren't too much into hiking, there are many things to see that don't require a lot of walking (I still wouldn't recommend wearing heels or flip flops).
When you enter the park they give you a map and most of the "attractions" are clearly labeled and easy to find. Here is a map that helped me to plan the trip.
Dog are allowed in the park, but not on the trails. We brought our dog with us and we didn't know of that rule. You dogs can be up to 100ft from the main road. We hadn't planned on doing too much long hiking anyways, so it was ok. But if you can, it's definitely recommended to not bring your pooch.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

DAY TRIPPING - Los Angeles

This Saturday was a fun one. I've been wanting to drive up to LA to check out the LACMA (Los Angeles County Museum of Art) and the Paley Center for a while now, after seeing lot of photos (especially from the LACMA), and this weekend, we finally did. Of course I also squeezed in a couple of little dessert places that I'd seen on Instagram and my Sweetthooth just couldn't resist.

The Paley Center for Media in Beverly Hills

I read about the Television Out Of The Box exhibit at the Paley Center and really have been wanting to go (mostly just to sit on the couch from the Central Perk from FRIENDS). I hadn't really paid attention to where it was, but once we got there, we found ourselves driving along Rodeo Drive. It's right there in Beverly Hills. If you want to go to the Paley Center, of just take a stroll through Beverly Hills (which has really cute little shop on Santa Monica Blvd and obviously every designer store imaginable on Rodeo Drive) there is 2 hr free (yes, FREE) parking on Beverly Drive (below Crate & Barrel) across the street from the Center.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Cheeseburger Diaries - Canada Steak Burger, San Diego, CA

A little introduction to this new series:
If you know me, you know that I am a big fan of Cheeseburgers. Basically, it's just a bunch of stuff that I like - bread, burger patty (I prefer ground beef over any other kind of beef ... I guess it least reminds me of the fact that I am eating an animal), cheese, lettuce, tomato ... can't go wrong with that! 
Growing up in Germany, I didn't eat too much beef. I think I had my first actual Cheeseburger when I was 14 at a Restaurant called Chicago Meatpackers in Frankfurt (if you're in the city, stop by there!!). I've never had a beef burger from a fast food restaurant (expect for In N Out). I'm kinda picky about meat. 
But anyways, I have eaten a lot of Cheeseburgers in my 20somthing years (most of them in the last 6 years) and I decided to share my opinion about all the Burgers I eat. All Burgers discussed here are classic Cheeseburgers - beef patty, sliced cheese, lettuce and tomato and mayo and whatever other dressing the restaurant uses. I don't like pickles or onions, ketchup and mustard, so those will never be on my burger. 

Canada Steak Burger3604 University Ave, San Diego, CA 92104 

Since we've moved into our current apartment a couple of months ago, we have driven past this burger place many times. We weren't quiet sure what kind of food they served (marble syrup drenched steak!?) and didn't really expect much from it, but we've kinda been wanting to try it out. A while ago Manny went with some friends and really liked it so we decided to go there today for lunch. It's a little place in a not so good part of town but the food is really good. (After all, they have been voted best Burger in San Diego).  The menu consists of different varieties of Charbroiled steak burgers, Gyros and other Greek food and of course, a good old Cheeseburger. The 4oz cheeseburger with Fries and a drink was $5.99.  The fries were lightly seasoned and very yummy (I guess it's a good sign if you keep stuffing fries into your mouth after you already decided that you're full). 
And now for the Burger . The 4oz Cheeseburger comes with lettuce, tomato, pickles, onions, mayo, mustard and ketchup (I only had tomato, lettuce & mayo on mine). The patty itself was great! Perfectly cooked (not bloody but also not burned, at all) and the taste was good. The cheese was melted enough and the veggies were fresh! No complaints on my part. I left with a full and happy stomach and will return soon!!